Wednesday, January 30, 2008

If I never hear the word "diabetes" again, it will be too soon

I am sick and tired about hearing about diabetes. Why then, some might ask, am I writing about this in a diabetes blog that is part of a whole right of diabetes blogs? Because it is not the OC that I am sick of. Strangly enough, the OC is one of my escapes.
I am sick of hearing about diabetes in my classes. Every single day diabetes comes up. Whether it be as an example of how to teach a client or risk factors for one condition or another- it comes up. I am sick of hearing about how people with diabetes have to drastically change their diet. How they must exercise daily to lower their blood sugar. How having diabetes puts them at risk for every fricking condition under the sun. How they all have bad feeling in their feet. How if they do not control their sugars by taking their pills, following their strict diet and exercising daily they might have to use insulin! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
If I'm lucky- the words "type two" come up, but rarely. I'm sick of fighting the battle. At first, it was funny. Me and a couple of friends kept a tally to see how many classes it DIDN"T come up in. I'm past the stage of it being funny. Now I'm sick of it. There ARE other chronic conditions out there that people have to adapt their lifestyle for. I do not have to follow a special diet. I have better feeling in my feet than my endocrinologist (according to him). I do not not have a I pump and test up to 10 times a day because I'm so out of control, I do it to be IN control!
I now understand WHY medical professionals have such a jaded view of living with type 1 diabetes. Because this stuff is ramed down their throats every. single. day. I might have a little more patience the next time I deal with an ignorant nurse- and throw in a little education.


Scott K. Johnson said...

Yikes. And this is in school? That is scary.

Anonymous said...

I take your point, Jen. In the school's defence, most of the inpatients they will ever see are type 2s: There are more of them; T2 creeps up on people, and therefore does more damage before it is diagnosed and treated; and we T1s all learned from a young age what to watch out for and how to take care of ourselves -- behaviour modification is much harder once people are set in their ways.

And here's a hug to you -- you'll overcome.
