Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Good-bye....for now

Hello DOC.
I know it's been a while, and it's going to be even longer.
In case you haven't noticed, I've taken a break from blogging. This blog has been sitting abandoned for quite a while. It will never be active again. Blogging became a chore for me, rather than a pleasure. I think of a blog post a least a few times a week, but they rarely turn into actual text. If I do write them down, they don't get posted. I've created another blog, but I'm not ready to commit and make it public. When I do, I'll let you know. I am still reading, but it will be a while before I write again. Once it is something I want to do again, I'll be back.
Thank you all for your advice and thoughts. I treasured them.


Christine said...

We'll miss you, and I hope to see you back soon.

George said...

Take care.

Lee McAlilly said...


If you're interested in coming back to blog about your condition, I'd love to talk to you about becoming an official blogger for EverydayHealth.com. We have a huge audience that would be great platform to share your experiences with Type I.

Please email me at lmcalilly (at) waterfrontmedia (dot) com if you're interested.


Lee McAlilly
Everyday Health Blog Coordinator

Panarea said...

Our firm -Panarea Software- is proud to announce the release of “The body and type 1 diabetes: A guide for kids and their families”. This is the first Iphone/Ipod Touch Application specifically designed for kids with Type 1 diabetes.

With this educational application, children with Type 1 diabetes will have fun while learning how to monitor and manage their condition. This innovative application uses content developed by diabetes experts, animated graphics, engaging audio and a number of interactive activities.

This is a FREE application.

We’d like to invite you to download “The body and type 1 diabetes: A guide for kids and their families” by clicking here


We look forward to hearing your feedback!

Website: www.panarea.com.ar/diabetes

Mail: diabetes@panarea.com.ar

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PanareaDiabetes

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000693776828

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The importance of health care is proving to be better everyday quality of service and also the quality of doctors and millions of people in urgent need of appropriate medicines for diseases like cancer, diabetes, AIDS, venereal diseases, fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc..

Stephen in AL said...

Hello, this is the first time I have ever visited your blog, so I wanted to leave a comment for you. First off, I wanted to say congrats on creating such a great blog, my girlfriend is starting her own and it certainly takes some time and effort! However, I will admit that I had another purpose for leaving this comment today. Last month was Lupus Awareness Month, and I helped to put together an infographic in honor of this important event. While I tried to share it with as many people as possible over the course of May, there were of course many that I was just not able to reach during the month. So, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to reach out to some more people this month, because spreading awareness for this chronic autoimmune disease should be a year-round deal anyways. If you are interested then I invite you to check out my lupus awareness infographic and share it with others!